General Info.

Event Schedule - 2018 





Thurs 15 Nov 2018

1:00pm- 7:00pm

Athlete Check-in

Queenstown Memorial Centre


1:00pm- 7:00pm

Sports Expo Open

Queenstown Memorial Centre


1:00pm- 7:00pm

Info Desk Open

Queenstown Memorial Centre

Friday 16 Nov 2018

9:00am- 9:00pm

Athlete Check-in

Queenstown Memorial Centre


9:00am- 7:00pm

Sports Expo Open

Queenstown Memorial Centre


9:00am- 9:00pm

Info Desk Open

Queenstown Memorial Centre

Saturday 17 Nov 2018



NZ Sotheby's RE Half Marathon Shuttle Bus FIRST pick-up

NZ Sotheby's RE Half Marathon Shuttle Bus LAST pick-up

Memorial Street - next to Queenstown Memorial Centre



Cigna 10km Shuttle Bus FIRST pick-up

Cigna 10km Shuttle Bus LAST pick-up

Robins Road - next to Queenstown Recreation ground




Air New Zealand Full Marathon Shuttle Bus FIRST pick up

Air New Zealand Full Marathon Shuttle Bus LAST pick up

Robins Road - next to Queenstown Primary school


8:00am- 5:00pm

Event Hub Open - info desk, food and beverage vendors, massage services, bag drop collection, merchandise sales

Queenstown Recreation Ground



Cigna 10KM start Lake Ave, Frankton



NZ Sotheby's RE Half Marathon start

Speargrass Flat Rd

  8:20am Air New Zealand Full Marathon start Millbrook Resort



Kids Run start

Queenstown Gardens, Park Street



Prize Giving

Queenstown Recreation Ground

 Sun 18 Nov 2018

9:00am– 1:00pm

Info Desk Open

Queenstown Memorial Centre


 * Times are subject to change

Athlete Info

Entry fee inclusions

All competitors will receive the following:

Event Exclusions

Due to Health and Safety, wheeled conveyances (including wheelchairs, baby buggies, scooters, bikes, inline skates) cannot be used for all events. Accompanying animals are not allowed on the course. Headphones and personal music devices are strongly discouraged.

Event Cut-off Times

Marathon Course Cut-off times – Athletes must reach the start of the Lake Hayes Trail (11.65km from the start) by 11.00am, the start of the Domain Road Track (distance 25km) by 1:10pm and the SH6 crossing (distance 32.2km) by 2:25pm. Competitors who do not make these cut off times will unfortunately not be permitted to continue due to time constraints and the need to reopen the roads. Official Event Closure Time: Due to course management and road closure restrictions, the course will officially be closed to all runners and walkers at 4:00pm. We welcome walkers in the Full Marathon, Half Marathon and 10KM distances. We ask all walkers to start behind the runners in the designated section at the start line and give way to runners at all times.


All prizes are awarded at the prize-giving which will take place at 3:30pm on Saturday 17 November at the Queenstown Recreation Ground.

In the event of really bad weather, and the prize-giving not being able to take place, it will be cancelled, and there will be no postponement time scheduled. Prizes will be available to be collected on Sunday 18 November between 9:00am and 1:00pm from the Queenstown Memorial Centre, and if not collected will be mailed out to the prize winner.

Prize Money

Prize money will be awarded based on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Male and Female runner over the Finish Line in the Marathon and Half Marathon, and the 1st Male and Female over the Finish Line in the First Half Marathon.

CategoryQueenstown MarathonQueenstown Half Marathon
1st Man & Woman $3,000 $1,000
2nd Man & Woman $1,500 $750
3rd Man & Woman $750 $500

* All prizes are in NZ dollars and those prizes above $500 are subject to 20% resident withholding tax. Men and women receive equal prize money for all events. 

Finisher's Rewards

Air New Zealand Marathon - Everyone finishing the Marathon will receive a medal. All finishers' results are available online after the event. Non-monetary prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd placing in each running age group category for men and women, and will be based on participant's mat time.

NZ Sotheby's RE Half Marathon – Everyone finishing the Half Marathon will receive a medal. All finishers' results are available online after the event. Non-monetary prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd placing in each running age group category for men and women, and will be based on participant's mat time.

Cigna 10km Run - Everyone finishing the 10km Run/Walk will receive a medal. All finishers' results are available online after the event. Non-monetary prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd placing in each running age group category for men and women, and will be based on participant's mat time.

Kids’ Run – Everyone finishing the Kids Run will receive a medal. All finishers' results are available online after the event. Non-monetary prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, 3rd placing in each age group category for boys and girls, and will be based on participant's mat time.

Spot Prizes

All competitors will be eligible for spot prizes and these will be randomly awarded as participants cross the finish line. The participant will be presented with a voucher that they then take to the Info Desk, inside the Memorial Centre, to claim their prize.

Spectator info

Event Day Road Closures

There will be a number of road closures across Queenstown, Frankton and Arrowtown on event day. Download the road closure map so you can plan accordingly.

Spectator Viewing Locations

To ensure your support crew, family and friends can see you out there on the event course and cheer you on, we have identified three great spectator viewing locations. Please view the spectator map and familiarise yourself with the best way to get around the course as a spectator and the access points for spectators.

Event Hub

The Event Hub will be the place to be to see participants finish and to soak up the event atmosphere. Runners and walkers can recover, wind down and relax, and meet family and friends to enjoy the amazing vibe! There will be a DJ pumping the sounds, MCs keeping you up to date with snippets of event info, food vendors galore and massage stations - pretty much all you need to chill before prize giving at 3:30pm.

This year the Event Hub will feature Cargo Brewery & Kitchen, which will be selling celebratory drinks include Cargo beer and cider, bubbles and wine. They will also be selling some delicious food at Expo (including a few tasters) so make sure you check them out!

Plus there are going to be heaps of yummy post race food options including; Two Wild Sisters, The Empanada Kitchen, The Green Juicing Company, Francesca's Pizza, Patagonia Chocolates and Suma Sushi.

Race Day Info

Race Preparation

This is a fully supported marathon with 11 Aid stations (5 Aid stations for the half marathon), so you do not need to carry a hydration pack unless you want to. You do not need to wear trail shoes as the course is smooth, easy, hard packed trails.

On race morning, make sure you have your race number, pins to attach your race number, your shuttle wrist band if you are taking the Shuttle Bus, Event bag for Bag Drop with bag tag on it, and your weather appropriate clothing, plus sunscreen and cap. There will be no replacement numbers or timing chips available at the race start areas. Please ensure you have completed the back of your race number with your name, any medical conditions and a contact name and phone number (other than your own) in case of emergency.

Please pin your race number to the front of your T-shirt or running vest and make sure it is clearly visible. You must not use someone else’s number, nor let someone else use yours. Marshals will remove you from the race before you cross the finish line.

Your race number carries your disposable timing chip which is your unique timing device for the race. You must wear your race number to be classified as a starter and a finisher of the race and have your time recorded.

Event Shuttle Service

Make your race morning transportation stress-free and use our easy shuttle service to get you from Queenstown direct to the start line of the Marathon, First Half Marathon, Half Marathon or 10km race. We have very limited parking available at all start areas so we strongly encourage athletes to utilize the shuttle bus service that will be operating as a continuous direct service from the Event Hub at Queenstown Recreation Ground on race day morning (Note - there are no pick up's on route to the start line, this is a direct shuttle from Queenstown). If you didn't book this service when you entered, you can log in to your My Events Portal to make additional purchases under your profile. 

Shuttle Costs:
Marathon - $15
Half Marathon - $15
10km - $10

The shuttle bus pick up locations at the Queenstown Recreation Ground can be viewed on the Event Hub Map and times can be found on the Event Schedule.

Road Closures

Please be aware there are a number of road closures across Queenstown, Frankton and Arrowtown on race day, therefore the shuttle bus service will be your best means of transport. To see the road closures map click here

Bag drop

There will be a Bag Drop service available at the start area of each race. Only event Race Bags can be used at Bag Drop (i.e. not a sports bag) and must be labelled with the bag tag attached to your race bib when mailed out or when given at Athlete Check-In. Please ensure your Race Gag is labelled before you drop it off at the designated bag drop area. Any gear left at the start line, or discarded and left at any point on the course will be collected and donated to Charity. You must NOT drop any gear at aid stations or anywhere on the course for later retrieval.

Your event Race Bags will be transported to the Event Hub at Queenstown Memorial Centre and will be available for you to collect when you complete your race. Please collect your bag by 4:30pm Saturday 17 November before you leave the Event Hub. Any remaining gear will be held at the Queenstown Memorial Centre until 2:00pm Sunday 18 November, and if not collected by this time will be donated to Charity.

Start Area

To ensure a smooth start for all runners and walkers, wave starts and self-seeded start zones will be in place at the Full Marathon, Half Marathon and 10km Run start lines. Runners will need to gather in the appropriate zone depending on their expected race finish time. The wave start system will release a set number of runners at timed intervals after the start gun is fired. Walkers will need to gather at the back of the field behind the runners please.
Your race time is calculated from when you pass over the timing mat on the start line so no-one will be disadvantaged. Introducing wave starts will help everyone to run at their own pace across the course, giving you a true race time. And you can soak up the scenery as much as you choose!

Aid Stations powerade black

Well supported with Aid stations located on course for all distances. Aid stations will provide water, POWERADE sports drink (Powerade ION4 in bottles at the finish line and Powerade Isotonic formula at Aid Stations in cups - both Mountain Blast flavour, neither are sugar free.), NZ Natural Formulas Cramp Stop, toilet facilities and first aid. Nature Valley Energy Bars and One Square Bites (apricot, chocolate and cranberry flavours) will be available at Aid Stations 10 & 11 for Half Marathon runners, and Aid Stations 6,7,8,9,10 & 11 for Marathon runners. There will be 11 aid stations on the marathon course, 5 on the Half-Marathon course and 2 on the 10KM course. Please refer to Course Maps for Aid station locations.

Full Marathon Personal Drinks

Full Marathon Personal Drinks will be distributed to Aid Station 6 (22.5km) and/or Aid Station 8 (30km) for full marathon runners only.
The bottles must be marked clearly with runner’s race number and the drink station you want them left at. Runners are encouraged to mark bottles with a ribbon or colour for easy identification.
They should be handed in at athlete check-in on Thursday 15 Nov or Friday 16 Nov.
The personal bottles will be set out in numerical order at the first table of the designated Aid Stations.
No glass, metal or unsealed bottles will be accepted.


Timing mats will be located at each race start line and at the finish line. All race's will have timing splits every 5km's

Disposable timing chips are attached to the back of your race number and will record your time. Timing chips do not need to be returned.

Placegetter results only will be published after your race on the Info Desk board near the finish line. Timing results will be provided by age group category and age group placings will be based on participant's mat time. Overall distance placings will be based on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Male and Female runner across the Finish Line.


Photos are taken of all competitors throughout the day on course and at the finish line by Marathon Photos.  Photos will be available online 48hrs after the event to view and purchase. Be sure to smile when you see a photographer and have your race number clearly visible from the front so the photographer can identify you.

Health & Safety

In the interest of providing a safe and enjoyable event experience for all entrants please take in to account the following;

Finish Area

The finish area will offer the full post-race experience; where you can relax, soak up the atmosphere, refuel and enjoy celebrating your achievement with friends and family. You can make a day of it whilst cheering on other finishers, having a well-earned massage, enjoying the entertainment, local food and beverage.

Once you have crossed the finish line there will be water, POWERADE sports drink, bananas, medical facilities and a rest area available immediately should you require them.


Group Area 

The Group Area is a new finish line experience for running teams or groups, and corporates to come together for post-race celebrations at the Event Hub. Located near the finish chute, it will provide your team with a post-race meeting place, to relax, socialise, and talk through your race stories whilst enjoying the finish line festivities.

Each site will be a 4m x 4m area, to set up your own gazebo/tent, tables and chairs.

The Group Area flyer can be found here

For any enquires, or bookings, please contact us via

Post-Race Massage

After your race, enjoy a well-deserved massage thanks to Proactive Physio. Proactive will have a big orange tent set up at the finish line so simply head over to their tent and enjoy a massage.
Cost - $10 for 10mins. No pre-bookings required, just turn up!

Additionally, Proactive Physio will be offering a strapping service at registration on Friday 18 November 2016. Consult and strapping rates from $5, will be dictated by length of consult and complexity of strapping.

Car parking at the Event Hub

The closest public car parking to the Queenstown Memorial Centre is on Boundary Street (off Gorge Rd) approximately 100m away.  Parking is also close at the Wakatipu High School fields (accessed from Gorge Road) and a $5 donation applies. There is also public parking at the Man Street car park approximately 300m away which can be accessed from Isle St, Hay St and right into Man St.

Air New Zealand Queenstown Marathon Sports Expo

The Sports Expo will be open during registration on Thursday 15 November, between 1:00pm and 7:00pm, and again on Friday 16 November, between 9:00am and 7:00pm. Entry to the Sports Expo is FREE, so bring along your family and friends, and tell all your running buddies even if they are not competing. For the full list of exhibitors, please see here.

If you are interested in being an exhibitor in November 2018 please email Nicole Fairweather or call on 09 601 9590 for more information.

click here

Training info

Training routines

10km - This 15 week program is aimed at a beginner runner who is currently able to run for 30 minutes or 5km non-stop and is aiming to complete their first 10km

Half Marathon - This 15 week program is aimed at those looking to complete their first half-marathon. Ideally you should be able to run for 40 minutes or 8km non-stop before starting this program.

Full Marathon - This 15 week program is designed for a beginner runner who is currently able to run for 90 minutes or 15km non-stop and is aiming to complete their first marathon.


GetRunning Personalised Coaching is available to those wanting a more personalised program experience. 

Our specialised coaching gives you that extra edge with a personalised plan just for you. We use pace and heart rate monitoring to bring you the best possible outcome for you and your chosen event. Whether you’re new to running or a seasoned amateur, we are able to tailor a program to conveniently fit you and your busy schedule.

For more information about GetRunning Coaching click here.